How You Can Help
Like other charities EDC spends a lot of time raising money so that it can help children to have a better experience of life. Any help in raising funds is gladly accepted.
If you are a business that deals with people on a daily basis placing one of our collection tins in a prominent place is a way to accumulate funding. In particular placing a collection tin near a till, where change is given, can attract those few coins that are not missed by the donors. You can see examples of this in the list of helpers in the Sponsors and Links section. We will of course be happy to add a link on our site to your organisation for helping us in this way.
We also, on occasions, have "special days" when a lot of effort in raising funds takes place in a particular location. By keeping an eye on this site for information about such events, you could come along and help us.
Lots of people celebrate special events in their lives by buying flowers and we certainly would not want that not to happen. We know however that many of those involved would prefer not to see the flowers die after the event and so leave no permanent evidence of the gifts. Instead of being bought the flowers those celebrating the special occasion have asked that a donation be made to EDC instead. On occasions like birthdays and wedding anniveraries a gift to EDC has brought those celebrating a warm feeling of doing good for others and still having a celebration to remember.